Sunday, 5 April 2015

How To Display Matrix Effect In command Prompt

        How To Display Matrix Effect In Command Prompt in few EASY Commands

Display Random Alphabets (looks geeky cool :) must try once

(Step1) Open Command Prompt (if you want to know basics read my previous article Basics Command Prompt).

(Step2)  type " cd\ " without quotes this will take command prompt to the c:\ drive.

(Step3) type " color a " this will turn the text into green (to give it nerdy matrix look :).

(Step4) type " dir /s " this command actually displays ALL directories and Sub directories in the   current selected folder since because of (Step2) we are on C:\ drive the " dir /s " will display all the files in c:\ drive.

Note# To Halt the command you can press Pause break
            To completely abort the command you need to press "Ctrl+C" 
(this will terminate the command).